KLRCoach is hosting a Webinar This Friday at 4 pm MST:
Seven Secrets of Skinny, Sexy Women YOU Can Use to Shed Pounds NOW!
Join Kiki Lynn Renze, Health-Style Coach and Personal Empowerment Partner for an informative hour as she shares her experience and knowledge about how to achieve your ideal weight, health, fitness and any other goal you may have set for yourself!
Having gone from a (tight) size 12 to a (comfortable) size 6 in 9 months, Kiki has been there! She knows how hard it can be to stay motivated and to navigate the challenges of yo-yo weight gain/loss. Kiki talks about the basics as well as novel tips you may never have heard before!
Don't need to lose weight? Tune-in anyway! The ideas presented can be applied to all challenging areas of life! In her own unique style, Kiki relates the keys to successful weight loss to relationships, career, finances and more!
Use the registration link below to get signed-up for this exciting hour of motivation! Invite your friends to share in this revealing webinar. Use your computer to log in to the webinar and submit questions live via the chat tool. Get solutions to your most frustrating weight loss challenges! And go on to apply these techniques to all areas of your life.
You won't want to miss this fabulous opportunity to learn from a woman who knows what it's like to struggle with weight, with career, with relationships. Kiki has been through it all, and now she wants to share her experience with you, to help you avoid the pitfalls and succeed!
Register NOW! Then join us Friday at 4 pm with pen and paper ready.
No software download is required.
Kiki Lynn Renze shares her experience as an Empowerment Partner and Health-Style coach. Learn how to get SEXY and stay in shape, attract and keep your ideal MATE, set goals and follow through, discover YOUR unique life purpose, find motivation and so much more. Make sure to subscribe so you won't miss any insightful and entertaining posts! And check out the FREE Stuff page to learn for Kiki's latest offers!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
"One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do." - Henry Ford
Fear is the greatest barrier to freedom, love, achievement, kindness, self-discovery and the true blossoming of humanity.
We fear what we don't know. We fear to know the unknown, we fear also being ignorant. We fear death. We fear life.
Where does all this fear come from? Most other animals fear only being eaten or injured. And I'm not sure I'd even call that true fear in the same sense that humans experience it. Humans have imagination and are capable of creating things to fear.
In this sense, fear is just an excuse not to try. Crying "Fear!" relieves us of the responsibility to do something with our power. We cower and say, "I can't because..."
The thing we fear most is stepping into our own light, our own power. We fear it more than the darkness, the impotence in which we hide. Why? Possibly from feeling unworthy, or because of the responsibility that comes with power.
Mostly, I think it's lack of practice. The more we confront our fears, the easier it becomes. The more often we embrace our power, the easier it is to wield. Courage is a muscle that must be developed.
What fears are keeping you from living your dream? What fears are keeping you from even dreaming?! No matter where you are, the first step towards the life you want means overcoming some fear. The alternative is comfortable, yet unfulfilling. Kind of like eating junk food.
Don't poison your life with junk food! Take the first step. Contact me today for your FREE Fear-Crushing Strategy Session, a $125 value, yours just for visiting my blog! Hurry, spaces are limited. Start overcoming your fears TODAY!
Check out my FREE Stuff page for special offers! And make sure to +1 this post, share with friends and subscribe to this blog!
Dream more. Create more. BE more!
Kiki Lynn Renze
Personal Empowerment Partner & Health-Style Coach
Fear is the greatest barrier to freedom, love, achievement, kindness, self-discovery and the true blossoming of humanity.
We fear what we don't know. We fear to know the unknown, we fear also being ignorant. We fear death. We fear life.
Where does all this fear come from? Most other animals fear only being eaten or injured. And I'm not sure I'd even call that true fear in the same sense that humans experience it. Humans have imagination and are capable of creating things to fear.
In this sense, fear is just an excuse not to try. Crying "Fear!" relieves us of the responsibility to do something with our power. We cower and say, "I can't because..."
The thing we fear most is stepping into our own light, our own power. We fear it more than the darkness, the impotence in which we hide. Why? Possibly from feeling unworthy, or because of the responsibility that comes with power.
Mostly, I think it's lack of practice. The more we confront our fears, the easier it becomes. The more often we embrace our power, the easier it is to wield. Courage is a muscle that must be developed.
What fears are keeping you from living your dream? What fears are keeping you from even dreaming?! No matter where you are, the first step towards the life you want means overcoming some fear. The alternative is comfortable, yet unfulfilling. Kind of like eating junk food.
Don't poison your life with junk food! Take the first step. Contact me today for your FREE Fear-Crushing Strategy Session, a $125 value, yours just for visiting my blog! Hurry, spaces are limited. Start overcoming your fears TODAY!
Check out my FREE Stuff page for special offers! And make sure to +1 this post, share with friends and subscribe to this blog!
Dream more. Create more. BE more!
Kiki Lynn Renze
Personal Empowerment Partner & Health-Style Coach
Friday, January 25, 2013
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Of Eagles and Crows
While hiking Drinking Horse Mountain this morning, I noticed a bald eagle riding a thermal high above the hill. It was alone as I began my climb, just enjoying the view, I imagine.
Half way up I spotted the eagle again. This time a crow was harassing it, disturbing the eagle's majestic soaring. A few minutes later I saw another crow join in the merriment, forcing the eagle to abandon what must have been perfect thermals rising from the hillside.
As I observed this, I thought of how I am like an eagle - trying to soar upward and ride the available updrafts to lift myself higher.
To me, the crows symbolize those who would peck away at my progress, my confidence. The crows are afraid of the eagle's hunting prowess and size advantage, so they gang up to drive it away, thus securing their own place in the food chain and protecting their territory.
Who in your life is the crow to your eagle? Can you eliminate the crows from your life? Are there some you have to learn to handle without compromising your integrity and your ability to soar? Are you a crow to someone else's eagle? That can be hard to admit!
Unlike the eagle, we can't always just move to another hillside. Besides, there will always be crows ready to pester and frustrate us. How we manage the situation will determine how high our eagle wings will take us.
Check out my FREE Stuff page for special offers! And make sure to +1 this post, share with friends and subscribe to this blog!
Dream more. Create more. BE more!
Kiki Lynn Renze
Personal Empowerment Partner & Health-Style Coach
Check out my FREE Stuff page for special offers! And make sure to +1 this post, share with friends and subscribe to this blog!
Dream more. Create more. BE more!
Kiki Lynn Renze
Personal Empowerment Partner & Health-Style Coach
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Today let's explore motivation.
What keeps you moving forward in your career, your relationships, your life? Is it fear of falling behind or becoming stagnant and irrelevant? Or are you pulled towards the future by a gleaming vision of how your life will be if you keep striding ahead?
Either way, you are motivated to ACT. When motivation is lost we splash around in the dark, not knowing which way to turn, which direction to choose. Keeping motivation high is key to achieving the fabulous vision you set for yourself.
I'll give you an example. I had a goal to learn French when I turned 40. The only thing I did was buy a cheap tutorial for my iPod. It didn't work right and I gave up. To this day I only know the bit of French I learned in 8th grade. What went wrong?
First, there was no strong motivation, or the motivation was misplaced. I saw my life slipping away and thought, "If I learn French, I can travel to France, sound worldly, be important." I was trying to meet my need for significance by learning French! Weird, I know.
Second, I didn't even bother to define WHY I wanted to learn French in the first place. I just had this vague idea that I would be different if I did that. So at the first glitch, I dropped it. The reason for pursuing the goal was never well-defined. It carried no motivation or urgency.
Third, I never really formulated a plan on HOW I was going to learn French. I guess I thought if I just stated I would do it, then it would happen. Huh. Funny how that DOESN'T work.
My advice to you: Whatever your goal is, write it down clearly and completely. Make it measurable and specific. "I'll clean out all my closets by April," is better than "I'll get more organized." but make it manageable, too. (For more on manageable goals see "Programming your Brain for Success.")
Whatever you do, make sure you have the tools to be successful!!
You deserve to live your dream!
Check out my FREE Stuff page for special offers! And make sure to +1 this post, share with friends and subscribe to this blog!
Dream more. Create more. BE more!
Kiki Lynn Renze
Personal Empowerment Partner & Health-Style Coach
What keeps you moving forward in your career, your relationships, your life? Is it fear of falling behind or becoming stagnant and irrelevant? Or are you pulled towards the future by a gleaming vision of how your life will be if you keep striding ahead?
Either way, you are motivated to ACT. When motivation is lost we splash around in the dark, not knowing which way to turn, which direction to choose. Keeping motivation high is key to achieving the fabulous vision you set for yourself.
I'll give you an example. I had a goal to learn French when I turned 40. The only thing I did was buy a cheap tutorial for my iPod. It didn't work right and I gave up. To this day I only know the bit of French I learned in 8th grade. What went wrong?
First, there was no strong motivation, or the motivation was misplaced. I saw my life slipping away and thought, "If I learn French, I can travel to France, sound worldly, be important." I was trying to meet my need for significance by learning French! Weird, I know.
Second, I didn't even bother to define WHY I wanted to learn French in the first place. I just had this vague idea that I would be different if I did that. So at the first glitch, I dropped it. The reason for pursuing the goal was never well-defined. It carried no motivation or urgency.
Third, I never really formulated a plan on HOW I was going to learn French. I guess I thought if I just stated I would do it, then it would happen. Huh. Funny how that DOESN'T work.
My advice to you: Whatever your goal is, write it down clearly and completely. Make it measurable and specific. "I'll clean out all my closets by April," is better than "I'll get more organized." but make it manageable, too. (For more on manageable goals see "Programming your Brain for Success.")
Whatever you do, make sure you have the tools to be successful!!
Check out my FREE Stuff page for special offers! And make sure to +1 this post, share with friends and subscribe to this blog!
Dream more. Create more. BE more!
Kiki Lynn Renze
Personal Empowerment Partner & Health-Style Coach
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Program Your Brain for SUCCESS!
Today Kiki discusses how to get your brain to produce the chemistry for success!!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Timing Is Everything
Learning to tell time as a child was very confusing for me. Up to that time, someone else was in charge of what I did and when. It was out of my hands. Besides, time has no value to a child. The supply is seemingly limitless. A child's life has no self-imposed structure or discipline. Everything just flows without much direction. It's very nice, but requires dependence. Learning to determine what time it is helps a child integrate into society as a unique individual.
As adults, time is a determining factor in much of what we do.
I'm not talking about scheduling every minute of the day or week. That's a waste of time! However, having a good sense of where your time goes and what you get for the time currency you spend can help you plan and reach goals, rather than drifting along with a current.
Setting a timeframe for goals imposes discipline and helps you to measure progress.
It helps you avoid the "someday syndrome." You know, "Someday I'll lose weight." "Someday I'll get a better job." "Someday I'll have a good relationship." The trouble with "someday" is it's not on the calendar and therefore never comes. It's like living a fantasy life all the time. Nothing wrong with creative dreaming. You just have to be willing to get to work and make it happen.
For example, if I know I want to lose 10 pounds by June 1st, I can break that into smaller chunks per month or even per week. And I can measure if I am on target or need to up my game to reach the goal. Or maybe I'm ahead of the goal and can revise it to 15 pounds! If I just say I want to lose 10 pounds with no timeframe, I will drift along without a plan and probably end up gaining weight due to lack of discipline or motivation.
What time is it in your life? Is it time to take charge? Time to make a change? Time for an overhaul? Don't waste any more of your time currency on what you don't want. Take a time-out to create a plan and get the tools you need to succeed!
Whatever time it is, having a partner who knows how to keep you on track can enhance your chances of getting to the finish line and reaching your goal. On time.
Check out my FREE Stuff page for more tips!
Kiki Lynn Renze
Personal Empowerment Partner & Health-Style Coach
As adults, time is a determining factor in much of what we do.
I'm not talking about scheduling every minute of the day or week. That's a waste of time! However, having a good sense of where your time goes and what you get for the time currency you spend can help you plan and reach goals, rather than drifting along with a current.
Setting a timeframe for goals imposes discipline and helps you to measure progress.
It helps you avoid the "someday syndrome." You know, "Someday I'll lose weight." "Someday I'll get a better job." "Someday I'll have a good relationship." The trouble with "someday" is it's not on the calendar and therefore never comes. It's like living a fantasy life all the time. Nothing wrong with creative dreaming. You just have to be willing to get to work and make it happen.
For example, if I know I want to lose 10 pounds by June 1st, I can break that into smaller chunks per month or even per week. And I can measure if I am on target or need to up my game to reach the goal. Or maybe I'm ahead of the goal and can revise it to 15 pounds! If I just say I want to lose 10 pounds with no timeframe, I will drift along without a plan and probably end up gaining weight due to lack of discipline or motivation.
What time is it in your life? Is it time to take charge? Time to make a change? Time for an overhaul? Don't waste any more of your time currency on what you don't want. Take a time-out to create a plan and get the tools you need to succeed!
Whatever time it is, having a partner who knows how to keep you on track can enhance your chances of getting to the finish line and reaching your goal. On time.
Kiki Lynn Renze
Personal Empowerment Partner & Health-Style Coach
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
In this video I explore the art of reframing to gain control of your emotions in any situation. Please comment and share! Be sure to check out my FREE stuff page.
Monday, January 14, 2013
The War
A battle rages every moment between conflicting needs. Today I'm feeling the pull between comfort and growth. I need to make a difficult decision. A life-altering choice. And I'd rather hide under the covers than face what I know is true. A truth that will upset my applecart and radically change my life. Not to mention pretty much destroy all my comfort in multiple areas.
Comfort can also be described by safety, security, predictability, routine, "the known," tried and true, the status quo or certainty. It's the feeling of tradition, Grandma's house and turkey at Thanksgiving. There's nothing wrong with traditions. Unless you are a family of one or two cooking a huge turkey dinner! Who will eat all that?! It's impractical and just doesn't fit. My point is, engaging in routines just for the sake of comfort does not help you grow, adapt and embrace the future.
I'm an earth sign, so I don't like being uprooted. It's hard on me. I also realize that change comes whether you want it or not, so it's best to embrace it and do your best to determine your direction. The best thing I can do is allow myself to mourn the loss of a comfortable life while still planning for the next phase.
Every choice involves the rejection of all other choices, and therefore loss. Not making a choice still hands you loss, just not of your own choosing. Cruel, that. A head in the sand leaves your rear ripe for kicking. Better to meet the challenge with full awareness and the opportunity to duck and weave.
Wish me luck!
Click the link at the upper right for FREE stuff!
Kiki Lynn Renze
Personal Empowerment Partner & Health-Style Coach
Comfort can also be described by safety, security, predictability, routine, "the known," tried and true, the status quo or certainty. It's the feeling of tradition, Grandma's house and turkey at Thanksgiving. There's nothing wrong with traditions. Unless you are a family of one or two cooking a huge turkey dinner! Who will eat all that?! It's impractical and just doesn't fit. My point is, engaging in routines just for the sake of comfort does not help you grow, adapt and embrace the future.
I'm an earth sign, so I don't like being uprooted. It's hard on me. I also realize that change comes whether you want it or not, so it's best to embrace it and do your best to determine your direction. The best thing I can do is allow myself to mourn the loss of a comfortable life while still planning for the next phase.
Every choice involves the rejection of all other choices, and therefore loss. Not making a choice still hands you loss, just not of your own choosing. Cruel, that. A head in the sand leaves your rear ripe for kicking. Better to meet the challenge with full awareness and the opportunity to duck and weave.
Wish me luck!
Kiki Lynn Renze
Personal Empowerment Partner & Health-Style Coach
Sunday, January 13, 2013
One Thing
What's the one thing you can do right now that you know for sure will make a positive difference in your life? What's the one thing that will lead to better health, a more positive outlook, a better career or a more fulfilling relationship? What is that one thing?
It could be something very small like getting up off the sofa and taking a walk. It might be setting aside an extra hour for your family each week or reading the book your boss gave you. Or maybe it's not eating the extra piece of pizza and having a salad instead.
My point is, life is made up of thousands of tiny little choices we make all day, everyday. For the most part our lives are not defined by one big moment. And even if that is the case, there were still lots of little things that led to that moment. Success - or failure - is built by either positive or negative habits. Your habits are the bricks that build your destiny.
So take a moment to reflect on your choices, your habits. Why were they formed? For comfort? Acceptance? Just because? Which ones are serving you to create the life you desire? Which are not contributing? Which are sabotaging your dreams? What are you going to do about it? Why haven't you taken the first step? What is keeping you from continuing?
I am currently offering a free Life Altering Strategy Session, a $125 value for the first 20 people who contact me. Times are limited. There is no obligation to continue coaching, and you will walk away with positive, written outcomes for your life, a renewed enthusiasm for pursuing your goals and an action plan for the next phase.
Why would I offer all this value for free? Because I truly believe in the power of coaching to transform lives! I wish I had known 15 or 20 years ago what I know now. And I don't want anyone to not have the opportunity to utilize these tools for a happier, richer, more joyous life. We all deserve the chance to grab hold of our life and shape it consciously.
Do you "need" a coach? Think about this: every Olympic athlete has one thing in common- they all have a coach! You can only go so far on your own. Having the support of a trained professional can elevate your efforts to the next level, breaking through whatever is holding you back from living the life you know you want! A small investment in yourself can deliver rewards for your family, your career, your finances and your health.
Give yourself the tools to succeed in the new year. Call or email today to schedule your free Life Altering Strategy Session. I'm here to help YOU succeed!
Email your name and phone number to KLRCoach@gmail.com to receive my free report "Three Secrets to Lose Weight and Stay Healthy For Life!" This isn't a "do this, don't do that" report. You already know all the basics. This report reveals how your own habits and attitudes are sabotaging your weight loss goals and what you can do about it.

To you, your life, your health!
Kiki Lynn Renze
Personal Empowerment Partner
It could be something very small like getting up off the sofa and taking a walk. It might be setting aside an extra hour for your family each week or reading the book your boss gave you. Or maybe it's not eating the extra piece of pizza and having a salad instead.
My point is, life is made up of thousands of tiny little choices we make all day, everyday. For the most part our lives are not defined by one big moment. And even if that is the case, there were still lots of little things that led to that moment. Success - or failure - is built by either positive or negative habits. Your habits are the bricks that build your destiny.
So take a moment to reflect on your choices, your habits. Why were they formed? For comfort? Acceptance? Just because? Which ones are serving you to create the life you desire? Which are not contributing? Which are sabotaging your dreams? What are you going to do about it? Why haven't you taken the first step? What is keeping you from continuing?
I am currently offering a free Life Altering Strategy Session, a $125 value for the first 20 people who contact me. Times are limited. There is no obligation to continue coaching, and you will walk away with positive, written outcomes for your life, a renewed enthusiasm for pursuing your goals and an action plan for the next phase.
Why would I offer all this value for free? Because I truly believe in the power of coaching to transform lives! I wish I had known 15 or 20 years ago what I know now. And I don't want anyone to not have the opportunity to utilize these tools for a happier, richer, more joyous life. We all deserve the chance to grab hold of our life and shape it consciously.
Do you "need" a coach? Think about this: every Olympic athlete has one thing in common- they all have a coach! You can only go so far on your own. Having the support of a trained professional can elevate your efforts to the next level, breaking through whatever is holding you back from living the life you know you want! A small investment in yourself can deliver rewards for your family, your career, your finances and your health.
Give yourself the tools to succeed in the new year. Call or email today to schedule your free Life Altering Strategy Session. I'm here to help YOU succeed!
Email your name and phone number to KLRCoach@gmail.com to receive my free report "Three Secrets to Lose Weight and Stay Healthy For Life!" This isn't a "do this, don't do that" report. You already know all the basics. This report reveals how your own habits and attitudes are sabotaging your weight loss goals and what you can do about it.
To you, your life, your health!
Kiki Lynn Renze
Personal Empowerment Partner
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Here's what happens: I know I have to do a big chore - like clean the house. I put it off. You know, the "P" word (procrastinate!). Then I finally decide to do one thing, like my bathroom. That's when something magical happens!
Once I begin, the process takes over and before I know it, the chore is done. Viola! That's the power of momentum. Of starting.
You can notice the same thing if you ski, or ice skate or jog or play any sport or drive a car or move at all. It's hard to maneuver when you stand still. Course correction is only possible while in motion. Nike knows this: "Just do it!" Do what? How do I decide where to start?
The truth is, it really doesn't matter where or how you start living the life you want. Pick any area - relationships, career, health, family - and begin to bring it into alignment with your true values. Not just what is convenient or what you think is possible. Shoot for the moon! Go all the way. Don't hold back. This is your life we're talking about! Presumably you only get one shot, so make it count!
If you like a little more clarity on how to determine your true values and life purpose, work with a personal empowerment partner - a coach. Don't need a coach, you say? Consider this: All Olympic athletes have one thing in common. They all have a coach! You can only go so far on your own. To reach your peak potential, you need guidance and expertise.
If you are struggling with your fitness level, your career, relationships or simply want to figure out your purpose in life, I would love to hear from you! I offer a free, no obligation 30-minute Strategy Session to new clients. You will exit the session with written positive outcomes for your life, a new awareness of your challenges and strengths, renewed enthusiasm for progress and an action plan for the next phase. I conduct sessions via telephone, so you can be anywhere in the world!
Get some momentum going in your life! Take the first step. There's no risk and the potential to set yourself on the most amazing path ever!
Kiki Lynn Renze
Email your name and phone number for your free report: "Three Secrets to Lose Weight and Stay Healthy For Life!"
This isn't a do this, don't do that report. You already know all the basics. This report reveals how your own habits and attitudes are sabotaging your weight loss goals and what you can do about it.
Once I begin, the process takes over and before I know it, the chore is done. Viola! That's the power of momentum. Of starting.
You can notice the same thing if you ski, or ice skate or jog or play any sport or drive a car or move at all. It's hard to maneuver when you stand still. Course correction is only possible while in motion. Nike knows this: "Just do it!" Do what? How do I decide where to start?
The truth is, it really doesn't matter where or how you start living the life you want. Pick any area - relationships, career, health, family - and begin to bring it into alignment with your true values. Not just what is convenient or what you think is possible. Shoot for the moon! Go all the way. Don't hold back. This is your life we're talking about! Presumably you only get one shot, so make it count!
If you like a little more clarity on how to determine your true values and life purpose, work with a personal empowerment partner - a coach. Don't need a coach, you say? Consider this: All Olympic athletes have one thing in common. They all have a coach! You can only go so far on your own. To reach your peak potential, you need guidance and expertise.
If you are struggling with your fitness level, your career, relationships or simply want to figure out your purpose in life, I would love to hear from you! I offer a free, no obligation 30-minute Strategy Session to new clients. You will exit the session with written positive outcomes for your life, a new awareness of your challenges and strengths, renewed enthusiasm for progress and an action plan for the next phase. I conduct sessions via telephone, so you can be anywhere in the world!
Get some momentum going in your life! Take the first step. There's no risk and the potential to set yourself on the most amazing path ever!
Kiki Lynn Renze
Email your name and phone number for your free report: "Three Secrets to Lose Weight and Stay Healthy For Life!"
This isn't a do this, don't do that report. You already know all the basics. This report reveals how your own habits and attitudes are sabotaging your weight loss goals and what you can do about it.
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