What keeps you moving forward in your career, your relationships, your life? Is it fear of falling behind or becoming stagnant and irrelevant? Or are you pulled towards the future by a gleaming vision of how your life will be if you keep striding ahead?
Either way, you are motivated to ACT. When motivation is lost we splash around in the dark, not knowing which way to turn, which direction to choose. Keeping motivation high is key to achieving the fabulous vision you set for yourself.
I'll give you an example. I had a goal to learn French when I turned 40. The only thing I did was buy a cheap tutorial for my iPod. It didn't work right and I gave up. To this day I only know the bit of French I learned in 8th grade. What went wrong?
First, there was no strong motivation, or the motivation was misplaced. I saw my life slipping away and thought, "If I learn French, I can travel to France, sound worldly, be important." I was trying to meet my need for significance by learning French! Weird, I know.
Second, I didn't even bother to define WHY I wanted to learn French in the first place. I just had this vague idea that I would be different if I did that. So at the first glitch, I dropped it. The reason for pursuing the goal was never well-defined. It carried no motivation or urgency.
Third, I never really formulated a plan on HOW I was going to learn French. I guess I thought if I just stated I would do it, then it would happen. Huh. Funny how that DOESN'T work.
My advice to you: Whatever your goal is, write it down clearly and completely. Make it measurable and specific. "I'll clean out all my closets by April," is better than "I'll get more organized." but make it manageable, too. (For more on manageable goals see "Programming your Brain for Success.")
Whatever you do, make sure you have the tools to be successful!!
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Dream more. Create more. BE more!
Kiki Lynn Renze
Personal Empowerment Partner & Health-Style Coach
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