As adults, time is a determining factor in much of what we do.
I'm not talking about scheduling every minute of the day or week. That's a waste of time! However, having a good sense of where your time goes and what you get for the time currency you spend can help you plan and reach goals, rather than drifting along with a current.
Setting a timeframe for goals imposes discipline and helps you to measure progress.
It helps you avoid the "someday syndrome." You know, "Someday I'll lose weight." "Someday I'll get a better job." "Someday I'll have a good relationship." The trouble with "someday" is it's not on the calendar and therefore never comes. It's like living a fantasy life all the time. Nothing wrong with creative dreaming. You just have to be willing to get to work and make it happen.
For example, if I know I want to lose 10 pounds by June 1st, I can break that into smaller chunks per month or even per week. And I can measure if I am on target or need to up my game to reach the goal. Or maybe I'm ahead of the goal and can revise it to 15 pounds! If I just say I want to lose 10 pounds with no timeframe, I will drift along without a plan and probably end up gaining weight due to lack of discipline or motivation.
What time is it in your life? Is it time to take charge? Time to make a change? Time for an overhaul? Don't waste any more of your time currency on what you don't want. Take a time-out to create a plan and get the tools you need to succeed!
Whatever time it is, having a partner who knows how to keep you on track can enhance your chances of getting to the finish line and reaching your goal. On time.
Kiki Lynn Renze
Personal Empowerment Partner & Health-Style Coach
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